
Other things to keep in mind about residency

  • Your circumstances on the first day of classes of each term determine your eligibility for in-state student status for that term.
  • Once you’re classified as an in-state student, you’ll remain an in-state student as long as you are enrolled in each fall and spring semester until you earn your degree—even if your parents move out of state.
  • If you were an Indiana resident who moved away, you’ll still be considered an in-state student if you move back within a year after leaving.
  • If you are an Indiana resident who went to school out of state, we’ll still consider you an in-state student as long as you return to Indiana within one year of your last enrollment or graduation.
A pin that reads "IUPUI Veteran" pinned to a green backpack
Military medals are displayed on a lapel.
IUPUI medallions lie on an American flag.

Special rules for military families

IUPUI recognizes the unique circumstances that often surround our military families. Your enlistment status could qualify you for a remission of out-of-state tuition fees. We encourage you to reach out to the Office for Veterans and Military Personnel to see how they can help.

Learn more about residency for military members